Comparable character- Regina George from Mean girls
This video clip from Mean girls can be compared to the character of charlotte in many ways. Regina in this film has been portrayed as an intimidating character who wants to be at the centre of attention. She comes across as a drama queen and a somewhat bully, however she hides the fact that she is behind a intimidating and fake smile, in order to gain being liked by her fellow pears. In our production, we have tried to incorporate some of Regina's characteristics into the character which is Charlotte. This can be seen in the last scene of the sequence when Charlotte hits Erika round the head when Erika says 'I guess we are alone'. Throughout the sequence we have tried to make sure that Charlotte is always in front of Erika to give the view to the audience that she believes she is the dominant personality and always knows best, even in a strange situation where they are alone together.
The actual character- Charlotte

I have decided to compare Erika to the character of Josie Geller in.'Never been kissed'. I have displayed a picture of Josie below and also a picture of Erika to show the comparison. It is evident to suggest that even by the way they are dressed they are similar. Not particularly fashionable or preppy, they both are the types of people to 'blend in the background'.
In the film 'Never been kissed', Josie is given the second chance to go back to high school when she is told to enroll as a teenage for a story on the state's youth by her magazine editor. Josie never fitted in at school and was a hopeless nerd at school, she didn't know how to fit in with the cool kids. This is very comparable to Erika's personality, in the opening sequence you can tell how she always seems to trip over her feet a lot or gets left behind by Charlotte, and never seems to be able to be like the preppy student that Charlotte portrays.
The actual character-Erika
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