Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Post 10- Evaluation of skills developed

Here is the finished preliminary task:

Evaluation of the film

The image below shows a mindmap of my ideas and thoughts on our preliminary task:

In conclusion, I believe that the overall shoot and editing of our preliminary task turned out very well. However, there are some aspects of the whole process which I think I would like to have improved on. Firstly, when we were editing our preliminary shoot we realised we broke the 30 degree rule, which however was solved by Laura using a fading tool on the editing software to make it look more of a jump-cut shot. Me and my group needed to to improve our organsisation skills aswell. As I was unwell on the day of the shoot, it left us with little time to film. This may have disadvantaged us slighty and didn't enable us to film to the best of our ability.

Assessment of skills

From the preliminary task, I have developed and learnt many skills that I didn't have experience of before. I was responsible for some parts of the editing process, and I learnt how to cut and add music into the film. I did find this difficult at first because I didn't have any previous experience of this before, however we were given help sheets to guide us through the editing stage which made me more confident with it. Personally, from the production I believe I have learnt how to work well within a group, in a short space of time to film. I have gained confidence within editing and being in front of a camera, so I intend to use these skills I have developed in the next project we do.

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