Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Post 8-Production report

Below I have embedded my Prezi presentation of my production report:

I believe the overall shoot of the production went very well, despite some technical difficulties, however my group and I did eventually overcome these problems.

Firstly, the main problem was at the start of the shoot when the camera was experiencing a few technical problems and would not film, however we decided to change the battery and this thankfully sorted out the problem. The second problem was that I was ill on the day of the filming, therefore I was not able to be there. On the other hand, the rest of the group resolved this by one of then being my stand in and then they found another media student to film some of the footage which required both actresses in the same shot. A problem that occurred from this is that the group had to explain to the media student what type of camera shots we wanted to capture, which would have been quite time consuming considering the short amount of time we had at the location.

Another technical problem which occurred was when the camera equipment was not holding the camera properly and was holding it loosely, therefore the camera woman had to hold it very steadily to get the perfect shot. Apart from that, most of the issues that arisen where overcome and solved.

In the editing stage of the production, I believe it went very well. One person from our group put themselves forward to edit most of the footage as it only required a single person to do this, however both me and another person helped her with the timings of the shots, for example telling her when to capture a start of the shot and the end. When editing we realized we did not break the 180 degree rule, on the other hand we did unfortuntley break the 30 degree rule, but this was solved easily when we were finishing editing. We did still include editing and movement techniques such as panning and tilting also.

To conclude, with the amount of time given to use and the amount of resources we had, I am very pleased with the final product. Even though we had some issues with the location, for example the big space produced echoes and unwanted sounds, however we did overcome this by adding non-diagetic music in the editing process, so this was not a major problem, and we were aware of this when we visited the location prior to the shooting day. It would have been a little more helpful to have some equipment which worked, such as the tripod, we had to use a steady hand instead which worked just as well, but it was a little inconvenient. Overall we did very well with what we were given.

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